Hi guys I'm hoping you can help.
I was wondering if you can disable passenger side seat airbag from the module to remove light? I had a small fire around the battery location and it has short the hole airbag can wireing. It's no way fixable without a new wireing loom so wondering if the passenger airbags can be completly disabled to stop airbag light being on?
Hope you can help.
If you have an actual wiring issue that is causing a shortage in the system, that will need to be repaired regardless of anything else. Once that is repaired you can put a resistor in place of the airbag so the vehicle thinks there is still an airbag connected.
Do this at your own risk:
To bypass an airbag you can install a 2 OHM resistor at the airbag plug Here is the link to Amazon2.2 Ohm Resistors, 1/4 W, 5% (Pack of 10) https://a.co/d/bb9U9KS