I have 3 Diagnotisc Trouble Codes for a 2012 Subaru Impreza and would like to start a service for my 15%discount included.
DTC B1831
DTC B11F9 (Where to retrieve the airbag module and curtains?
DTC B1650
I believe if I read the website all these codes you can reset. I'm just not sure where to start or go from here.
I've listed below what these codes are for. If these sensors and airbags have been repaired/replaced then the last step is to reset the airbag module. If these parts have not been serviced then that needs to be done prior to sending in the module to be reset.
The service takes 24 hours and the cost is $69.99 plus shipping. Orders can be placed online on our website, MyAirbags.com.
B11F9 - Side Impact Ignition
B1831 - open in curtain airbag RH squib circuit
B1650 - passenger weight sensor
Thank you!
Curtain airbags ignitor...where is that located? With that code does it need to be sent in as well?
I apologize I can't help further!