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I have Codes B1209, B1086


I have two codes for my air bad light, i plan on fixing my B1209 with a module reset from this company, but i am not sure why my pre-Ten Front LH code f B1086 is being read because my seatbelts are both working, clip, stop when pulled/jerked, turn off the seatbelt lite on the dash. What do i do to get rid of it?

Topic starter Posted : 09/19/2021 2:37 pm
MyAirbags Tech Support
Prominent Member Moderator

 Yes we can reset your airbag control module. It will take only 1 day. Seat belts will usually be locked after accident and stay locked. However, we have seen times where seat belts still retract and lock when you quickly jerk them. But the pyro igniter sensor already burnt and that would keep the airbag light on because of the seat belt sensor where the seat wiring harness plugs into. We can rebuild the seat belts with all new OEM parts.

Posted : 09/19/2021 5:05 pm