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car in collision


I purchased this car with the dash, steering wheel and driver curtains side deployed. Do I need to change any collision sensor in the car in order to have the all the air bags be functional again ??

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This topic was modified 3 years ago by Amir Patel
Topic starter Posted : 10/13/2021 3:03 pm
MyAirbags Tech Support
Prominent Member Moderator

 You will need to get your airbag module scanned while it is still in the vehicle to see what codes are in the module. Your module is connected to all your airbags, sensors and seat belts. Those codes will let you know if any of those parts need to be repaired or replaced. Thank you!

Posted : 10/13/2021 5:31 pm

Thank you so much for your quick response. Would you please tell me where the front collision sensor are located in this car ?…And how long does it takes you to change the color of both front seats belts I want it plain red like the OEM Challenger Hell Cat

Topic starter Posted : 10/13/2021 7:00 pm
MyAirbags Tech Support
Prominent Member Moderator

 we do not repair or sell sensors so we don't have any location information for those parts. The seatbelt service takes 24 hours and then the belts are shipped back out FedEx Ground, which can take 4-5 business days. Thank you!

Posted : 10/13/2021 9:28 pm

Ok. What is the price repairing and changing the color of the seat belts?
How much for the full ser front and rear ?
And how much for both on the front only?
What is the number I can call to talk with a technician during business hours ?

Topic starter Posted : 10/13/2021 10:57 pm
MyAirbags Tech Support
Prominent Member Moderator

Because the technicians are busy working on parts, they are only available to respond back to support tickets for parts that are being serviced or that are under warranty. Pricing information can be viewed on our website, and pricing is per seatbelt. Thank you!

Posted : 10/14/2021 1:25 am


Topic starter Posted : 10/14/2021 2:54 am
MyAirbags Tech Support
Prominent Member Moderator