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i need to send in my airbag computer module and seat belt?


i was told i need to send in my airbag computer module so that it can be reset. so can i just watch youtube vidoes is it pretty basic to remove from the car? also my seatbelt only on the driver seat is locked. what would i need to remove and send it to get this reset as well. also is this difficult? also how much would it cost to send in the airbag module and seatbelt one to.

Topic starter Posted : 09/13/2021 6:42 am
MyAirbags Tech Support
Prominent Member Moderator

Yes, if the vehicle was in an accident then airbag control module needs to be reset and if a seat belt is locked then they will need repair. Click here for airbag control module removal videos. Here is the link for seat belt repair how to remove the seat belt is in the Removal Instructions tab.

Posted : 09/13/2021 9:10 am

First, what vehicle do you have. Did it blow the airbags also. Depending on vehicle and severity of the accident you may not have to send the control module in. If scanner says storage is full and locked then it needs to be sent in. Scan airbag system before removing components to see what really needs repaired. The other seatbelt could be bad also even though it is still functional. I have had to replace un-deployed airbags because they shorted out instead of deploying. Removal procedure depends on vehicle. A piece of advice. If you have never messed with an airbag system before have a professional do it or at least do your research before you start. It can be dangerous.

Posted : 09/13/2021 10:39 am