My car has been at the body shop for past 7 months as they could not get an original SRS module. They would not put in SRS module purchased from say other retailer. So I asked them why they dont just reset the module. I asked them various engine codes and sensor codes are always reset after repairs, why not do the same with the SRS Module. They are telling me that Insurance considers it as conditioning a part and they dont support it.
1. Does anyone know if insurance approves of SRS Module resets?
2. Does DOT/DMV approve of this? Is there any documents/papers that I can show my body shop and or Insurance to convince them to reset the SRS Module?
I understand insurance companies not wanting reconditioned modules. If the customer is unable to locate a new module and can have his OEM reset that should not be an issue. It was originally installed in the car and was not damaged. If resetting a module allows the customer to get it back in a timely manner, most insurance companies are ok with that.